Saturday, November 1, 2014

Post dedicated to my MTS 2014 graduate friends

At the beginning of 2014, I was given the opportunity to join the Short-Term Mission School (STMS) to equip myself to become Christ's disciples. That was an amazing two months time which I would never regret spending in MTS Sibu, Malaysia.

Through this two months, not only was I given the chance to learn more and know more about my religion and my beliefs, I was also given a chance to know people from different background. Of course there were a few that I've known through my church, a couple more from my town, but the rest of them were those that I have never ever met before. In fact, if it wasn't this course, I believe we might not know each other for our entire life on earth.

After finishing the course, we all knew that might be our only time together. So, today, on the graduation day of the 2014 MTS graduates, I decide to write this post to cherish our time together as well as deliver to you my blessing words before you all go out to different places and serve our Almighty God.

During the time in MTS, other than friends, we have the so-called,  'family members', 'table friends' and 'roommates'. There are many graduating today, but of course I'm not close to all of them. So there's a number of them which I would like to mention today.

Dorethysia, my roommate.
All students were put into groups of two or three in the hostels and I was probably one of the luckiest who was being allocated the same room to two theology students instead of STMS students. Dorethysia was one of the theology students. Being able to share a room with her was my privilege, because by sharing a room with her, I learnt to be more considerate towards others because we had problem communicating. Dorethysia and the other roommate can speak good Melayu, but I can only speak Mandarin and English (yes, shame on me, a Malaysia Chinese who cannot speak Bahasa Malaysia). Besides, I'd also learnt a lot more from them sharing their experiences. Even though during our weekly prayer session we had trouble communicating and always needed that extra time to translate or choose songs, I really loved the moment together.  Dorethysia, thank you for being so nice to me for that two months, also, thank you for your constant messages and encouragement, it really means a lot to me. Though we may not have another chance to go pasar malam together or sleep in the same room together, I'm sure we can still chat to each other and one day, we will surely meet in our eternal home. So, all the best to everything you do, just like what you've told me, read the Bible, pray and listen to God always. Tambah petrol, Dorethysia!

第一次吃飯的時候,因為我也剛進神學院所以難免是已經很怕了, 可是看到自己接下來吃飯都要跟一個那麼兇的人一起,就更是覺得辛苦。但隨著時間的流動,發現原來其實你根本不兇,也很善良。第二次分桌,我們會壞心的損你,說你沒良心,別桌都有kfc,冰淇淋,可是我們什麼也沒有。但是原來你也為我們預備了。謝謝你的用心,謝謝你的照顧,因為學生組長已經不好當了,還被你遇到我跟田勇俊這種壞學生。你的照顧真的讓我感受到了哥哥的感覺。不知道你前面的路會是怎樣,可能幾個月/年後,我們就會失去聯絡,但是曾經的一點一滴我一定會牢牢記住的。加油本煌大哥,前面事奉的路也祝福你順利!

沒緣跟你同桌同組,所以開始的兩三星期看到你就覺得你怪怪的。有時很面善,有時就兇到~ 可是多虧大姐和田勇俊的福,我也認識了你。感恩有機會在你的讚美團裡一起服事,感恩有機會一起喝茶聊天。在那次去喝涼茶的時候,我清楚看見了一個多麼多麼愛神愛人的你。謝謝你,做了我一個很好的榜樣。希望我們真的還有機會一起喝茶聊天,但是在那之前,先祝福你。不管是服事神的道路或是關係上,都希望主親自的看待,加油!

你是一個才華洋溢,親切可愛的家人。當我知道你是我姐同屆的短宣生時,那種親切感是我不能形容的 (雖然你根本不認識我姐,因為她是華語班的)。跟你一組靈修,佈道,讓我有機會認識你多一點點。你那個跳舞的姿勢,彈琴的眼神,開心果的性格,真叫人難以忘懷。你那美好的見證更是我時刻的提醒。記得確定地點後,就通知我一聲,有機會一定去探探你,畢竟我還欠你一份cheesy wedge eh。還有你上次提到的澳洲旅行我是還沒有忘記的ok,就等你來玩咯!Gambateh!

我們呢,到底是太有緣還是怎樣?我必須要承認剛開始看到你擺的那副臭臉坐在本煌旁邊,真的是幾叫人擔心一下的哦。可是感恩,我們的關係沒有停留在這種僵硬的狀態裡。我到底是不是該謝謝那個田勇俊呢?好像都是他在幫我們‘拉線’一樣。哈哈哈。大姐,你真的是一個大姐,謝謝你讓我在神學院願意釋放自己,不拘拘束束,敢把自己的性格活出來。謝謝你,喜歡我的真,謝謝你對我的信任,謝謝你給予我的肯定。有機會與你分擔我真的真的很高興。雖然不懂我們到底能不能再一起瘋,但是不要忘記你在遠方還有一個支持你的好姐妹。你是那個鼓勵我真, 激發我寫blog, 也是那個外剛內柔又有詩意的好大姐,你為我專寫的詩真的讓我感動到哦。謝謝你跟田勇俊的陪伴,希望我們下次見面的時候,你會是更幸福的大姐。加油!

Separated into different places, the least we can do for each other is pray. I will definitely keep you all in my prayers. Pray that through all thick and thin, God's never ending love and mercy will shower you endlessly.

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
因我們行事為人,是憑著信心,不是憑著眼見。哥林多後書 5:7